The road to Saigon was dotted with monuments such as this one.
Update: November 11, 2021
This information was discovered in a Vietnam Veterans Facebook Group. This is the statue of the South Vietnamese soldier that was in front of the Bien Hoa Military Cemetery (now Bình An Cemetery), located on Highway 1 on the way into Saigon. The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment elements passed this statue on route to and from Xuan Loc and Bien Hoa. The statue that stood on Highway 1 at the Bien Hoa Cemetery which was, according to Wikipedia, "an Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) military cemetery.... The statue by Vietnamese sculptor, Nguyen Thanh Thu, depicted a weary ARVN soldier seated with his M1 rifle on his lap would come to be nicknamed Thuong Tiec....Following the Fall of Saigon the Thuong Tiec statue was destroyed and access to the cemetery was restricted until 2006 when families were allowed to tend the graves.[4] A sign was erected outside the cemetery which read "Here lie the Americans' puppet soldiers who have paid the price for their crimes."
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