K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey

Contributor's Corner

Bill Knauer


William "Bill" Knauer

How Battery, 3rd Sq. / 11th ACR

Aug. 1967 - 1968

Web Page


Specialist 5 Bill Knauer resides in Nottingham, Maryland.  He served with the 11th Cav's, 3rd Squadron Howitzer Battery.  He has submitted these photos of his tour of duty with How Battery.

Zippo On The Loose
175 MM SP Howitzer Boys - Base Camp
Bill's Houtch During The Rain - South China Sea
155 Ammo & 50 Cal. Belt
Base Camp Gun Park - Xuan Loc
Dion Digging Down Dirty
Sandbag Detail
Shell Gas Station - South of Base Camp
Convoy Stop - Approaching Tank
Road Stop - Ready For An Ambush
Big Boyz Toys - A Howitzer Ready For Action
A Dirty Job - Someone's Gota Do It

Bill Today

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