K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey

Photo courtesy of Fred Schottler

Jimmy McCain Returns From Iraq
Welcomed Home By Pease Greeters

February 11, 2008 was a special day in the life of Marine Lance Corporal Jimmie McCain, son of senator and Republican presidential  nominee John McCain and Cindy McCain and members of his family.  Jimmy, a member of Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Division returned home from Iraq along with 330 of his fellow Marines.  They arrived at Pease International Tradeport in Portsmouth, NH to a warm welcome by Pease Greeters.  Jimmy's flight was originally schedule to land in Bangor, Maine but was diverted to Pease due to high winds in Bangor.  On the way to Pease, the aircraft developed flight control problems and declared an in-flight emergency and made an emergency landing.  The plane landed safely.

The plane arrived early Monday morning to little or no fanfare as the flight was not expected.  Soon, word of the flight's arrival was announced on local radio and TV and word began to spread among an organization of greeters known locally as the Pease Greeters.  My wife Hellen and I arrived at the airport terminal around 7:30 AM being among the very first greeters on hand.  We assisted in serving the retuning Marines coffee and donuts provided by airport authorities.  It soon became clear that food would be needed to feed the Marines something more substantial so an appeal went out to local businesses.  Donations of breakfast sandwiches began to arrive.

Because of the flight control problems experienced by the aircraft a replacement part was requested from the airline's headquarters and would not arrive for several hours.  When the part arrived it could not be properly installed and another aircraft was requested but would not arrive until sometime the next morning.  Another appeal went out to area businesses and the Wal-Marts of Portsmouth and Newington, NH responded with luncheon meats, breads, salads and cases of fruit.  In addition, an area pizza restaurant provided 100 free pizzas.

When word began to spread among the news agencies that Jimmy McCain was among the Marines at Pease WBZ-TV of Boston sent a news crew to the airport to interview McCain.  McCain asked politely not to be filmed and did not grant an interview.  When it became clear that the Marines would not leave for their final destination, 29 Palms, until the next day, area hotels were called.  The bulk of the unit stayed at the Holiday Inn in Portsmouth.  Hellen and I followed the Marines to the hotel to offer any assistance that we could.  We gave our phone number to a young lieutenant and asked him to call us when the Marines were to fly out.

The Marines were wakened early the next morning, bused to the airport and boarded their flight home.  The lieutenant did not call us that morning but did call us from 29 Palms that evening.  He said he didn't feel right about getting us out of bed that early in the morning.  He said that everyone arrived safely home to family and friends.

It was a real honor for us to play host to these brave men who were returning home from Iraq and a delight to meet Jimmy McCain.  He is a fine lad and as you can see by his photo the image of his dad.

(article by Bob Hersey)

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