K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Photo On My Stationery

Friday, July 5, 1968
5:30 PM
86 degrees - rain

Dear Mom & Dad,

(Editor's note: enclosed in this letter are four pages from the June 22, 1968 edition of "The Army Reporter" (newspaper).  On page six there is a photo spread of the 11th Cav titled "11th Cav disposes of VC - Operation Toan Thang".  Six photos show the 3rd Squadron in action.)

Greetings once again from Vietnam.  Well, not too much new since my last letter only that there is talk that we might go back to Long Binh again for the third time sometime this month.  I always look forward to going there.  I would appreciate it if you could send along about $30 as soon as possible.  Long Binh is the only place where I can spend my money over here.  As you know, I only draw $45 a month.   Here at Blackhorse, that's enough but a Long Binh, where there is a club etc. I need a little more.

Enclosed in this letter you will find a picture of me and my new jacket taken outside of our mess hall.  In case you can't read the writing it says, "When I die, I will go to heaven, because I've spent my time in Hell - Xuan Loc, Vietnam 68-69".  A buddy of mine picked it up in Xuan Loc for $4.00.   I am going to send it home soon so it won't get lost over here.  I have no use for it here.  It's real nice.  When I get home I will bring a Blackhorse patch and have it sewn on.  It will look real cool.

I'm still in the process of making an audio tape and I will send it along in a couple of days.  I told you in my last letter that I received three of my rolls of slide film back and they look good.  I would appreciate it if you could send my slide viewer along.  I think it's in my closet - the one I bought in Germany.

Also Dad, I would appreciate it greatly if you could find a range finder somewhere and send it along too.  I have a little difficulty in determining range.  Some of my slides came out a little blurry.  Other than that, I don't need any thing else.   Well, I want to get this in the mail before it gets dark.  We have no lights here. The generator is on the blink.  So until I write again, take care of yourselves.

By for now!


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